Found this by accident. Wonder who it could be about?
"Saturday there was a particular fan that stuck out to me who went through like the autograph line. It was this lady who was a bit of an artist. That wasn't the intriguing thing though. She came to Too Many Games from Italy. Just ignoring, like, whatever the terms were or whatever the reasons were for that, coming from Italy to that convention, holy shit. That is a new level of dedication. And then, um, while she was at the table, she drew something for Casey. What I didn't realize is that at Too Many Games, there was a meetup going on for Newgrounds.
Reason that's so funny is that Casey and Kira both voiced stuff that was on Newgrounds like very early on in their interest in voice acting. And both of them appeared in Brawl Taunts, which was kind of a popular one back in the day. This person winds up drawing for Casey, who also voiced Shinji in Evangelion, an image of Link from Brawl Taunts in the Shinji pose in the chair! And she just like tore out a piece of paper, and then busted out the drawing in like under five minutes. Meanwhile, I'm over here taking an hour to draw a stick figure going, 'How the fuck do you do that?' "
"dude" count usage OVER 9000!!!!!